PhD in Information Technology Security and Audit (2019).
MSc in Information Technology Security and Audit (2014).
Master of Business Administration –Strategic Management (2011).
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science – MMUST (2007)
Selected Publications: Books, Refereed publications & Non Refereed publications
Agunga, L. A., Agola, J. Abuinji, P. (2021); Enhanced Information Systems Success Model for Patient Information Assurance; Journal of Computer Science Research | Volume 03 | Issue 04 | October 2021
Abuonji, P. (2021); Discovery and Diminution of Variance between Actual and Expected Outsourced Bandwidth Supply in Corporate Network Infrastructure; J. Advanced Networking and Applications, Volume: 13 Issue: 01 Pages: 4833-4838(2021) ISSN: 0975-0290
Gitau, J., Rodrigues, Anthony & Abuonji, P. (2020); Proto-type Intelligent Log-based Intrusion Detection System; J. Advanced Networking and Applications Volume: 12 Issue: 01 Pages: 4519-4527(2020) ISSN: 0975-0290
Abuonji, P., Rodrigues A. J. & Raburu, O. G (2018); A Stratified Cyber Security Vigilance Model: An Augmentation of Risk-Based Information System Security; Transactions on Networks and Communications; Society for Science and Education, UK; Vol. 6, Issue 5, pp. 16-29, ISSN: 2054 -7420
Abuonji, P., Rodrigues A. J. & Raburu, O. G (2018); Load Balanced Network: Design, Implementation and Legal Consideration Issues; Transactions on Networks and Communications; Society for Science and Education, UK; Vol. 6, Issue 5, pp. 41-58, ISSN: 2054 -7420
“Implementing a Secure Messaging Solution using Enhanced Zimbra Collaboration Suite.”
“Experiential Computing as a Strategic Approach to Enhancing Efficiency in Learning Institutions in Kenya”
Research Interest
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Big Data Storage & Analytics
Data Science
Emergent Behaviour in Multi-Agent Systems and Autonomous Machines
Thesis: “A Stratified Cyber Security Vigilance Model for a Corporate Information Technology Infrastructure.”
Conferences & Chapters
In 2019, presented a paper in the 2nd JOOUST International Scientific Conference: Machoka, F., Otieno, F., Liyala, S., Rodrigues, A. & Abuonji, P. (2019), Crowdfunding Mobile Money System. Conference proceedings, 2nd JOOUST International Scientific Conference.
Research Grants
In August 2020 together with two (2) others, jointly brought to the University a Grant of 70 high-end Dell servers, one T1600 juniper router and other networking equipment worth over Ksh. 50 million.
In January 2021 together with three (3) others, we won a research grant from Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) for Early Career Researcher (ECR) training.
In January 2021, I was part of a team that successfully bided for an Institutional Development grant from VLIR-OUS Belgium worth over Ksh. 600 million.