Dean School of Technology & Senior Lecturer SDIS KCA University
Staff E-mail Address
Academic Qualification
- PhD in Computer Science-University of Nairobi, 2016
- Masters in Information Systems (Artificial Intelligence)- University of Nairobi, 2008
- BA (Mathematics, Econ & Socio) – University of Nairobi, 2001
Dr. Simon Nyaga Mwendia is the Dean and a senior lecturer in the School of Technology. He has served in the school since 2008 where he has held several positions. He was faculty research coordinator from 2010 to 2012 and has been the Head of Software and information systems department from 2018 to 2021. In his role as the Dean, Dr. Mwendia is in charge of the management of academic programmes and both academic and administrative staff members in the School.
He has a Masters in Information Systems (Artificial Intelligence) and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Nairobi. He received an in-country DAAD scholarship that enabled him to study in Germany as part of doctoral studies. His areas of interest include Data Science, mobile applications development and ambient intelligence technologies for learning support. Dr. Mwendia is a published scholar; his publications include peer reviewed journal papers, conference papers published by IEEE Xplore and ACM Digital Libraries and two book chapters published by IG Global publishers. He was also the Kenya project coordinator of Kenya-Norway mobility program with Stavanger University in Norway (KeNoMo) that started in 2017 and closed in March 2023. The aim of the project was to improve the quality and internationalization of computer science education at partner institutions including KCA University Linking Industry with Academia (LIWA) in Kenya and University of Stavanger in Norway.
Selected Publications: Books, Refereed publications & Non Refereed publications
- Mpia, H. N., Mburu, L. W., & Mwendia, S. N. (2023). CoBERT: A Contextual BERT model for recommending employability profiles of information technology students in unstable developing countries. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 125, 106728.
- Mpia, H. N., Mburu, L. W., & Mwendia, S. N. (2023). Applying Data Mining in Graduates’ Employability: A Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy, 13(2).
- Héritier Nsenge, M., Lucy Waruguru, M., & Simon Nyaga, M. (2023). Exploratory factor analysis of congolese information technology graduates’ employability: towards sustainable employment. SAGE Open, 13(4), 21582440231210109.
- Mpia, Héritier Nsenge, Simon Nyaga Mwendia, and Lucy Waruguru Mburu ( 2022). “Predicting Employability of Congolese Information Technology Graduates Using Contextual Factors: Towards Sustainable Employability” Sustainability14, no. 20: 13001.
- Omwenga E.I, Waiganjo P.W, Kimondo H.J, Gakuu C.M, Oboko R.O, Mwendia. S.N., Libotton A.,& Eisendrath,. G.(2018).Who We Are Quality Assessment for Distance Education and e-Learning (DEeL) Programs POLICY BRIEF.
Research Interest
- Data Science
- Artificial intelligence
- Mobile applications
Current Research Project(s)
- Héritier M.Nsenge, Mburu. L & Mwendia S. BERT-based RS modelling for recommend suitable employability profiles to IT students
- Lexicon Based Sentimental Analysis for Hate Speech Identification in Swahili language
Research Topics
- Computer Science,
- Artificial Intelligence,
- mobile applications development
Conferences & Chapters
- Mburu, L.W., Karanja, R. and Nyaga, M.N. (2020)A Knowledge-as-a-Service Support Framework for Ambient Learning in Kenya. Proceedings of the 13th IADIS International Conference Information Systems, 1-4 April 2020, Sofia, Bulgaria.
- Mwendia(2018), Evaluation Model for Improving Ambient Learning Systems Towards Achieving Sustainable Development Goal Four, Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on soft Cmputing and Machine Intelligence (ISCMI2018),Nairobi, Kenya: IEEE URL:
- Karanja, R., & Mwendia,.S.N.(2018), Ambient learning – Knowledge as a Service Model: Towards the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goal four, paper to be presented at the IST-Africa 2018 Conference Proceedings, Gaborone, Botswana: IEEE URL:
- Mwendia, S., Oboko, R., Waiganjo, P., 2016. Dynamic Heuristics – Greedy Search: A Mobile Information Retrieval Algorithm for Ambient Learning Systems,Nairobi, Kenya:
- Mwendia, S.N., Manske,S.& Hoppe,U.(2014), Supporting E-Learning in Computer-poor Environments by Combining OER, Cloud Services and Mobile Learning. Paper presented at the 22nd ICCE2014 Conference, Nara, Japan. (545-550), ICCE 2014 Organizing Committee, Japan ISBN 978-4-9908014-1-0 URL:
- Mwendia S.N, Buchem I.,2014,’Open mobile ambient learning: The next generation of mobile learning for mobile-rich but computer-poor contexts, Paper presented at UNESCO Mobile Learning Week 2014,Paris-France: UNESCO.URL:
- Mwendia, S., Waiganjo, P., Oboko, R., 2013. 3-Category Pedagogical Framework for Context Based Ambient Learning. Paper presented in: IST-Africa 2013 Conference Proceedings. Nairobi, Kenya. IEEE, ISBN:978-1-905824-38-0.
Research Grants
- Norwegian Partnership Programme 2016-2021 for Global Academic Cooperation (NOPART). Project number NORPART-2016/10063.
- KENET travel Grant – IST Africa 2018 – Conference DAAD PhD in-country scholarship grant (July 2012-Dec 2014)
- DAAD Short term research in Germany (Sep 2013-Feb 2014)
- DAAD In-Country/In-Region PhD Scholarship Programme for 2012
Research Quality
- Citations : 78
- h-index: 6
- i10-index: 2

PhD Supervision
- Mpia, Héritier Nsenge, Simon Nyaga Mwendia and Lucy Waruguru Mburu (2023). Bert-Based Model for Recommending Employability Profiles of Information Technology Students in Unstable Developing Countries. (PhD Thesis, KCA University, Nairobi, Kenya).
Postgraduate Supervision
- Mutembete B. Mathias & Mwendia.S(2022). Credit Risk Assessment Model Using Machine Learning (Master Thesis, KCA University,Nairobi,Kenya). Available:
- Okuku Dennis Dome (2022). Machine Learning Model for Classifying fake News in Kenya (Master Thesis, KCA University,Nairobi,Kenya). Available in KCA University library,Nairobi, Kenya.
- Anthony C. Ochieng(2021) A Distntinct Ensemble Model to predict Subscriber churn in the Mobile Telecommunications Sector in Kenya (Master Thesis, KCA University,Nairobi,Kenya). Available:
- Bonfice Thaa(2021) A text Analytics Model For Sentiment Classification of Online Hotel Reviews in Kenya. (Master Thesis, KCA University, Nairobi,Kenya).
- Alex Bengo Libosso (2021) ARIMA Model for predicting the onset of Agricultural Drought: Case of Marsarbit County, Kenya (Master Thesis, KCA University,Nairobi,Kenya).
- Nick Arthur Mudambo (2021) A Data Pipeline Architecture for Classification of Potential Claimants in Reunification of Unclaimed Financial Assets (Master Thesis, KCA University,Nairobi,Kenya). Available:
- Luke Mbom (2021). A model for Assessing the Performance of Supervisors in Kenyan Universities. (Master Thesis, KCA University,Nairobi,Kenya). Available:
- John Wambua Kioko (2021) ARIMA Model for forecasting own Source Revenue for the County of Machakos (Master Thesis, KCA University,Nairobi,Kenya). Available
- Peter Mutua Ndabuki (2021). Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Matinyani Sub-County in Kitui County (Master Thesis, KCA University,Nairobi,Kenya). Available:
- Ngigi Stanley Munga(2021). Prediction Model for Diploma and Certificate Students Progression in Unversities using Neural Network (Master Thesis, KCA University,Nairobi,Kenya). Available:
- Joshua Mwangi Ngobia(2021) Predicting Model for Urban Residential housing prices: An application of Ensemble learning (Master Thesis, KCA University,Nairobi,Kenya). Available:
- Edgar Mose (2021) Deep Learning Model for Predicting Sorghum Yield:A case of Kisumu County. (Master Thesis, KCA University,Nairobi,Kenya). Available:
- Benard Muriithi Kariuki(2021) Probabilistic Model for Predicting small and Medium Entreprises (SMEs) credit risk for Commercial banks in Kenya (Master Thesis, KCA University,Nairobi,Kenya). Available:
- Collins Kimutai Korir (2021) Predictive Model for Mortality Rate in Patients with COVID-19 in Kenya Using Artificial Neural Network (Master Thesis, KCA University, Nairobi, Kenya).
- Mercelina Anduro (2020) Predictive Model for Employee Turnover-case of Competition Authority (Master Thesis, KCA University, Nairobi, Kenya).
- Nicholas Muriithi Muriuki (2020) Prediction Model for Book Borrowing in Universities Using Neural Network (Master Thesis, KCA University, Nairobi, Kenya).
- Samuel Maina(2020) Model for Predicting Students ‘Academic Performance Using Artificial neural network (Master Thesis, KCA University, Nairobi, Kenya).
- John Brown Lubutse (2020) Regression Model for Predicting Accessibility of Mobile Agency Banking in SACCOS (Master Thesis, KCA University, Nairobi, Kenya).
- N Artificial Neural Network Model for Predicting Attainment of the 50:50 Gender ratio in Stem Courses Among Government Sponsored Students in Kenya (Master Thesis, KCA University, Nairobi, Kenya). Available:
- Robert Kasisi(2019) . An artificial Neural network Decision Support Model for University Students Progression (Master Thesis, KCA University, Nairobi, Kenya). Available:
- Edgar Mongare(2019) Travel Time Prediction Model for Nairobi City:An Application of Machine learning algorithms (Master Thesis, KCA University, Nairobi, Kenya). Available:
- Francis Oundo (2019) A Model for Assessing Medical Claims. An application of Machine leRNING Algorithms in Healthcare (Master Thesis, KCA University, Nairobi, Kenya). Available:
- Karonei Ernest (2018) Adoption Model For SMART-learning Devices (Master Thesis, KCA University, Nairobi, Kenya).. Available:
- Denns Kinyua(2018) A Model for Determining Remmittance Channel: An Application of DT Algorithm (Master Thesis, KCA University, Nairobi, Kenya)..
- Emma Wambui (2018) IoT for African Smart Cities: A model for a Smart Solid Waste Management System in Nairobi (Master Thesis, KCA University, Nairobi, Kenya). Available:
- Karanja Richard . G. (2017). A Framework for Knowledge as a Service in the support of Ambient learning (Masters Dissertation). Available:
- Onyuna Jared .O. (2017). Data mining using FRAT-RFM Approach for Customer Segmentation and Profiling (Masters thesis, KCA University, Nairobi,Kenya). Available:
- Kagucia Beatrice .M. (2017). Datamining Approach for Predictive Modelling of crop Yield Data ((Masters thesis, KCA University, Nairobi,Kenya). Available :
- Mwabela Nichodemus .K. (2017) A Model for Measuring Impact of Digitization in Schools (Masters Dissertation). Available:
- Gachau P.M (2017) Improved Energy Efficient Protocol(IIEEP) for Wireless Sensor Networks (Masters Dissertation). Available in KCA University Library, Nairobi,Kenya.
- Mwangi.S.K. (2017). Application of GSM in Enhancing Water Billing Accuracy (A Case of Thika Water and Sewerage Company (Masters dissertation). Available in KCA University Library, Nairobi,Kenya.
Social Media and Academic Networking Tools