Lecturer SDIS
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Academic Qualification
- Ph.D. in Information Systems (IS) – University of Nairobi
- Master of Science in Information Systems (IS) – University of Nairobi
- Bachelor of Education Arts (Mathematics and Geography) – Kenyatta University
I am a teacher with over thirty years in the classroom engaging learners. It gives me great pleasure to teach, guide and mentor young lives. I am also a researcher in Information Systems (IS). My primary interest is in e-Learning systems and how they can be used innovatively to increase interaction and collaboration in teaching and learning. I am also passionate in interactive IS design. My future research interest will hinge on STEM education and gender inclusivity
Selected Publications: Books, Refereed publications & Non Refereed publications
- Kibuku, R. N., Ochieng, D. O., & Wausi, A. N. (2021). Developing an e-Learning Theory for Interaction and Collaboration Using Grounded Theory: A Methodological Approach. The Qualitative Report, 26(9), 2836-2854.
- Kibuku, R. N. & Orwa, D. O. (2018). Formulating an e-Learning Theory: A Grounded Theory Approach. In the Proceedings of the 2nd African Conference for Human Computer Interaction, AfriCHI’18: Thriving Communities. 3 – 7 December 2018 Windhoek, Namibia. Association of Computing Machinery (ACM).
- Kibuku, R. N. & Orwa, D. O. (2019). Contributions and Shortcomings of Classical Learning Theories as Applied to e-Learning: A Literature Review. In the Proceeding of the 14th Conference for IST-Africa, 2019: Technology Research and Innovation Conference. 8 – 10 May 2019 Nairobi, Kenya. Published by Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Xplore. DOI: 10.23919/ISTAFRICA.2019.8764886.
- Kibuku, R. N., Orwa, D. O. & Wausi, A. N. (2020). e-Learning Challenges Faced by Universities in Kenya: A Literature Review. Electronic Journal of e-Learning (EJEL), 18(2), 150-161. March 2020.
- Kibuku, R. N., Orwa, D. O. & Wausi, A. N. (2020). e-Learners’ Challenges and Coping Strategies in Interactive and Collaborative e-Learning in Kenya. Journal of Education and Training Studies (JETS), 8(11), 50-61. November 2020.
Research Interest
- E-Learning
- Interactive Systems Design
- STEM Education
- Gender inclusivity
- Qualitative Research and Data Analysis
Current Research Project(s)
- E-Learning, Qualitative Research Methods
Conferences & Chapters
- Grant Writing Workshop (2022)
- Risk Owners Training (January 2023)
- Curriculum Review Seminar (June 2022)
- Transformative Pedagogy Trainer of Trainers (ToTs) by Pedal (March 2023)
- Increasing student interest and engagement in space exploration conference South Africa (May, 2022).
- Capacity Building Workshop of University Staff on Mainstreaming Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Global Citizenship Education (GCED) in the Universities (March 2023)